Somerset House saves 30% on their gas bill with Smart Control from VEXO S-BMS

Case Study


Somerset House, situated on the banks of the River Thames in London, has a fascinating history that stretches back to the 16th century. The original Tudor palace was demolished in 1552, and architect Sir William Chambers was commissioned to construct a new grand palace in its place. Completed in 1786, Somerset House served as the residence for the Duke of Somerset and later housed government offices and a tax office. Today, it is a cultural and artistic hub, housing institutions like the Courtauld Gallery and King’s College London. Its stunning architecture and central location make it a prominent venue for exhibitions, performances, and events that celebrate its historical significance and contribute to London’s thriving cultural scene.

Building use

  • Commercial office space / Flexible working
  • Art Centre
  • Estates Management offices
  • Restaurant / Café’s
  • Function Rooms


Project Objectives

  • Reduce Gas Energy cost from Heating Somerset House
  • Reduce energy consumption by controlling room temperatures
  • Prevent heating of empty offices
  • Reduce boiler operation via feedback of room heating demands



The installation of the S-BMS at Somerset House was a seamless process thanks to the use of Wireless LoRaWAN devices. These devices eliminated the need for the installer to run new wires around the Listed building, resulting in lower installation costs and time on site compared to a wired approach. The installer could commission devices remotely through an online dashboard and troubleshoot issues in real-time, ensuring quick rectification of any problems. The centralised digital document storage and multiple user logins promoted collaboration and effective communication. The dashboard is accessible through any smart device, allowing the installer to monitor the system both on-site and remotely. Technical support from VEXO was available both on-site and remotely, ensuring comprehensive assistance throughout the installation and operation of the system.

The Result

The installation of S-BMS (Smart Building Management System) at Somerset House has revolutionised the way the facility is managed, providing numerous benefits to the facilities manager. With multiple control zones, the S-BMS strengthens the control strategy for heating, resulting in significant energy savings during unoccupied periods. Each control zone can have different time schedules, allowing for customised heating strategies, such as, for example, Christmas shutdowns for 95% of the building.

S-BMS comes with an easy-to-use dashboard that provides real-time data and sends alarm notifications to the appropriate people. This ensures prompt action can be taken in case of any issues. Additionally, the dashboard allows for the setting of child lock on TRV’s (Thermostatic Radiator Valves) in certain areas, which can be changed remotely, while other areas have local control with maximum temperature settings. This level of control ensures optimal comfort while minimising energy wastage. The installation of LoRaWAN devices was seamless and caused minimal disruption to the tenants. 

S-BMS has also led to a redefined heating strategy at Somerset House. For example, the boiler start-up time in offices on a Monday can be adjusted based on whether the wing has been unoccupied during the weekend. This level of flexibility ensures that energy is not wasted during periods of low occupancy.

Furthermore, Somerset House has several hot desk areas, and S-BMS ensures tenant satisfaction with heating while also preventing energy wastage in unoccupied rooms. By providing precise control over heating, S-BMS enhances comfort and reduces unnecessary energy consumption.

S-BMS also facilitates planned maintenance by displaying battery life on the dashboard. This allows the facilities manager to proactively schedule maintenance activities, ensuring the smooth operation of the system.

Products Used

  • S-BMS Range Extenders
  • S-BMS LoRaWAN Motion Room Sensors
  • S-BMS LoRaWAN Smart Thermostatic Radiator Valves
  • S-IOT Panel
  • S-BMS LoRaWAN Single Channel Temperature Probe For Pipe Temperature Monitoring
  • S-BMS LoRaWAN Window Switches


A aerial view of a building Description automatically generated

“We are currently seeing around 30% of gas savings compared to other base years, which in the investment that I’ve done means a payback period between five and six years, which is fairly short, for the size of the building.”

Mick Figg
Head of Buildings, Somerset House


Overall, the implementation of S-BMS at Somerset House has resulted in significant benefits for the estates management and tenants. With improved control strategies, energy savings, easy-to-use dashboard, remote commissioning, and comprehensive support from VEXO, facilities managers now have enhanced capabilities to efficiently manage the building’s heating system. S-BMS promotes collaboration and effective communication through centralised digital document storage and multiple user logins. Accessible through any smart device, the dashboard allows for monitoring the system both on-site and remotely. This comprehensive solution has streamlined the installation process and continues to optimise the operation of the heating system at Somerset House.

Book a Demo and experience the benefits of S-BMS or find out more about energy conservation here.
