A focus on skills for UK shipbuilding

Applications are now open to join the Skills Delivery Group

  • Government, in collaboration with industry, is setting up the shipbuilding Skills Delivery Group to oversee and drive delivery of the recommendations of the UK Shipbuilding Skills Taskforce.
  • The UK Shipbuilding Skills Taskforce has stood down following publication of its report A Step Change in UK Shipbuilding Skills and supporting toolkit for shipbuilding employers, How to Leverage the UK Skills System.
  • Recruitment for membership of the Skills Delivery Group has begun.

Find out more about the job, how to apply, and Terms of Reference

One of the most critical enablers of a thriving UK shipbuilding enterprise is a highly skilled workforce, to drive innovation and productivity across the industry and increase global competitiveness. Government and industry are working in partnership to ensure this priority is effectively addressed.

In response to recommendations from the UK Shipbuilding Skills Taskforce Report, the National Shipbuilding Office is seeking to recruit a chair and members to serve in a newly established Skills Delivery Group to oversee and drive delivery of the recommendations of the UK Shipbuilding Skills Taskforce report and to be a continuous advocate for shipbuilding skills in the sector.

With a focus on delivery, the Skills Delivery Group will engage with employers, governments across the Union and educators nationwide: helping industry leverage the skills system across the UK to meet its needs; helping industry attract, retain and develop talent; promoting equality, diversity and inclusion and helping develop the skills of the future. These skills will also be required in light of forthcoming innovation and the transition to net zero.

RAdm Rex Cox – CEO, National Shipbuilding Office, said:

"Ensuring the UK shipbuilding sector has access to the skills it needs is a priority. The Skills Delivery Group will work with government, industry and educators to continue the fantastic work of the UK Shipbuilding Skills Taskforce and implement the recommendations of their report. Continued collaboration between government and industry will ensure the sector has the skills necessary to deliver against our shared ambitions to grow and transform the enterprise."

Hon Captain Dr Paul Little CBE – Chair, UK Shipbuilding Skills Taskforce, said:

"The Taskforce’s report set in motion the transformation of UK shipbuilding skills for both the medium and long term. The game-changing report called for a step change in action from industry, government and educators; it is heartening to therefore see the swift progress towards implementation. As the Taskforce is now stood down I am very pleased that the Skills Delivery Group will now implement the Taskforce’s recommendations and continue our role of championing skills within the UK shipbuilding sector."

Ministry of Defence
