Harris Bokhari OBE appointed as Chair of the National Citizen Service Trust

His Majesty the King has appointed Harris Bokhari OBE as Chair of National Citizen Service Trust

Harris Bokhari OBE

Appointed for a term of three years commencing 12 July 2023.

Harris is a social entrepreneur, public engagement advisor and chartered accountant. His wide range of roles include serving on the Board of the Natural History Museum (Chairing the Audit and Risk Committee), The Royal Parks, the Prince’s Trust Mosaic Initiative and is an elected council member of the National Trust.

Harris founded the Patchwork Foundation in 2010. In 2018, he was awarded the Diversity Champion Award by the Cabinet Office as part of its inaugural National Democracy Week.

In 2012, in memory of the late father Naz Bokhari OBE, Harris co-founded the Naz Legacy Foundation which helps young people from minority communities and disadvantaged backgrounds by supporting their education whilst encouraging positive integration into British society. This was awarded the 2014 Big Society Award from the Prime Minister.

Harris is an Independent Member of the King’s Award for Voluntary Service Committee and the Community and Voluntary Service Honours Committee. He is also an ambassador for the British Asian Trust.

Harris was awarded an OBE in Her Majesty’s 2015 Birthday Honours List for services to young people and interfaith relations. He was named as one of London’s most influential figures by the Evening Standard’s Progress 1000 List and awarded Imperial College’s inaugural Distinguished Alumni.

Culture Secretary Lucy Frazer said:

“Supporting young people, particularly those at risk, is a key priority of mine and I am looking forward to working with Harris Bokhari to make our joint vision come to life. Harris’ experience of social enterprise and championing young people’s engagement in their communities will serve him well as the new Chair, leading the NCS Trust in its continued transformation and its new strategy.

I would also like to thank Brett Wigdortz for his dedication and service as NCS Trust’s Chair since 2018. I am very grateful to Brett for his leadership during a particularly challenging period”.

Remuneration and Governance Code

The Chair of the National Citizen Service Trust is remunerated at a day rate of £400, up to a maximum of £40,000 a year. This appointment has been made in accordance with the Cabinet Office’s Governance Code on Public Appointments. The appointments process is regulated by the Commissioner for Public Appointments. Under the Code, any significant political activity undertaken by an appointee in the last five years must be declared. This is defined as including holding office, public speaking, making a recordable donation, or candidature for election. Harris Bokhari OBE has not declared any significant political activity.

Department for Culture, Media and Sport
National Citizen Service
