Outstanding contributions by British nationals abroad recognised on King’s Birthday 2024 Overseas and International honours list

The King’s Birthday Honours List recognises people who have given exceptional service to the UK abroad and internationally

  • Campaigner Bill Browder is knighted for his contribution to human rights and anti-corruption
  • Keith Palmer and Andrew Steer are knighted for exceptional contributions to international development
  • several awards recognise British nationals for outstanding voluntary and charitable work overseas

Eighty-four people have received awards for their exceptional service to the UK overseas or internationally in His Majesty The King’s Birthday Honours List, including for contributions to British foreign policy and international development, as well as voluntary and charitable work.

Bill Browder, Chief Executive Officer of Hermitage Capital Management, and Head of the Global Magnitsky Justice Campaign is appointed a Knight Commander of the Order of St Michael and St George (KCMG) in recognition of his significant and sustained contribution to human rights and anti-corruption. Following the mistreatment and death of Mr Browder’s colleague, Sergei Magnitsky, in Russia in 2009, Mr Browder campaigned for the US Congress to introduce the Magnitsky Act, which allowed them to impose sanctions on Russians involved in human rights violations. Thanks to his work, the EU, the UK, Canada and Australia all have similar legislation that allows them to impose targeted sanctions on individuals and entities involved in serious corruption or human rights violations or abuses.

Also recognised with knighthoods are 2 significant figures who have made major long-term contributions in the field of international development. Dr Andrew Steer, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Bezos Earth Fund, has been recognised for his leadership in sustainable development, spanning decades of service to the UK and internationally in multiple senior roles including with the World Bank and the World Resources Institute. Keith Palmer, the founder of AgDevCo, is recognised for his work on economic development in the poorest parts of the world, but particularly in Africa over a number of years.

Further information about recipients receiving knighthood level awards on the Overseas and International List can be found alongside the lists published on GOV.UK

Sir Philip Barton, Permanent Under-Secretary at the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office and Head of the Diplomatic Service, said:

"At a time of intense global challenge, I am as ever deeply impressed by the exceptional work being done by individuals around the world. 

"I congratulate the recipients of His Majesty’s Birthday Honours this year and thank them for their dedication and service. They are a shining example of the impact the UK can have internationally."

The International and Overseas Birthday Honours list also recognises several other contributions, including awards to:   

Professor Melita Gordon

Professor of Global Health, Malawi Liverpool Wellcome Programme, Blantyre, Malawi, and University of Liverpool, receives a CMG [Companion of the Order of St Michael and St George] for services to Global Health.

Professor Melita Gordon is recognised for her outstanding contribution as an expert in the speciality of Gastroenterology and General Medicine, who has made ground-breaking advancements with a profound impact on global health, particularly in Africa. Her career spans over 25 years, during which she has led a multidisciplinary programme in Malawi, focused on understanding Invasive Salmonella Disease. Her pioneering research has accelerated the development and deployment of critical salmonella vaccines in Africa, protecting millions of vulnerable children.

Professor Gordon’s commitment to capacity building in Africa is remarkable, particularly in training scientists and clinicians. She has initiated and led several equitable partnerships, including an international gastrointestinal endoscopy network creating sustainable training-centres in Africa, supported by UK trust hospitals and professional organisations. This has saved lives through the implementation of therapeutic interventions. 

On learning of her award, Professor Melita Gordon said:

"I am both humbled and delighted to learn of this honour. The theme of Companionship feels very fitting – I am grateful for the many students, colleagues, and team-members, and for my family, who have been alongside as my companions in this work."

Jeremy Green

Founder and Managing Partner of the Redmile Group, receives a CBE [Commander of the Order of the British Empire] for services to Business, Philanthropy and Support to the King’s Trust.

Jeremy Green is recognised for his outstanding contribution in 2 different areas: his impact in the UK life sciences sector; and his sustained service in support of the King’s Trust. Mr Green founded Redmile Group in 2007 which has grown into one of the largest life science investment firms in the world. While Mr Green’s outlook is global, Redmile is a significant investor in the UK sector, including leading financing rounds for some of the UK’s most impactful life sciences companies. He has also served on multiple taskforces focused on fostering growth of the life science sector and ensuring the UK becomes a hub for investment.  Mr Green has also served The King’s Trust for over 2 decades and remains heavily engaged as a Trustee of King’s Trust Group and the Chair of the King’s Trust USA, helping to lead its programme and fundraising work.

On learning of his award, Jeremy Green said: 

"It is a privilege to work with both the scientists and entrepreneurs doing vital work in the life science sector and our team at the King’s Trust who ensure young people from around the world have a chance to succeed. An honour such as this is really recognition of their work, and I am grateful to be part of both communities."

Dr Simon Batchelor

Director, Gamos Ltd receives an OBE [Officer of the Order of the British Empire] for services to Technological Innovation in the Developing World. 

Dr Simon Batchelor, Director, Gamos Ltd, is recognised for his exceptional contribution to international development and innovation. Over 4 decades, Dr Batchelor’s imaginative, often out-of-the-box thinking, has driven the development of transformative new ways to tackle some of the key challenges facing poor people in developing countries. Through his research, policy influence and community action, Dr Batchelor has been the driving force behind multiple transformations that have changed the prospects of some of the most vulnerable people.  This has included leading innovations to provide low-cost electric cooking, develop and use mobile money to drive economic growth, and the scale up of low-cost renewable energy, ensuring clean energy access to many. 

On learning of his award, Dr Simon Batchelor said:

"I am grateful that this award honours the small contributions that I have made, alongside various colleagues, to addressing the enduring problem of climate change and poverty injustice. I especially appreciate that it acknowledges the need for forward-thinking and creativity if we are to achieve a just energy transition to net zero."

Orysia Lutsevych

Deputy Director of the Russia and Eurasia Programme and Head of the Ukraine Forum in Chatham House, also receives an OBE for services to International Relations.

Orysia Lutsevych is recognised for her exceptional contribution to helping policy makers understand the evolving situation in Ukraine since Russia’s illegal annexation of Crimea and the start of the conflict in the Donbas, as well as her work in establishing the Chatham House Ukraine Forum. The Ukraine Forum is a unique platform providing insight on internal Ukrainian dynamics in key policy areas.  The Forum brings together politicians, practitioners, civil society leaders, academics and journalists to examine the political situation in Ukraine and has played a key role in supporting the response of the UK and the wider international community to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Orysia’s leadership has ensured the Ukraine Forum has had a significant impact with a systematic and energetic programme of research, round tables, talks and an innovative library of online digital material. 

On learning of her award, Orysia Lutsevych said: 

"It is an honour to have the opportunity to bring better understanding of Ukraine to the UK and global audiences. I want to express my gratitude to Chatham House for making such an initiative possible."

Anna Cavell

Owner, Fire Tree Hotel, Juba, South Sudan, and Chair of the South Sudan British Business Association, is recognised with an MBE [Member of the Order of the British Empire] for services to Victims of Conflict-Related Sexual Violence in South Sudan.

Anna Cavell worked with tenacity and persistence for more than 2 years, unpaid and risking her own safety, to bring to justice perpetrators of conflict related sexual violence in the South Sudanese civil war of 2016. Her moral courage and refusal to give up in the face of resistance from dangerous vested interests and a sceptical international community, ensured that government soldiers were held accountable for their crimes. Her work set a precedent which continues to help address impunity for sexual violence committed by the South Sudanese armed forces. Her ongoing investment in South Sudan, philanthropy and entrepreneurial drive has had a significant impact on the people of South Sudan and brought great credit to the UK.

On learning of her award, Anna Cavell said: 

"Few believed the South Sudanese government would hold a credible trial, but an unlikely partnership between them and the survivors of the attack made it possible.  I’m happy to receive this award in honour of all the people who must remain anonymous."

Peter and Stephen Fleming

Co-Founders, Kick4Life, are also recognised with MBEs for services to Sport for Social Change in Lesotho.

Peter and Stephen Fleming, Co-Founders of Kick4Life in Lesotho, are recognised for their outstanding contribution to social development and sport in Lesotho. The pair founded the charity in 2005 having completed a 250-mile sponsored dribble across Malawi, before launching operations in Lesotho in 2007. Kick4Life has since reached over 250,000 children and young people, with an exceptional track record of delivering health education and life-skills training, supporting and empowering vulnerable girls to end violence and exploitation, and building pathways into education, training, and sporting careers. As a charity, a social enterprise and a football club, Kick4Life now employs 50 people, with Peter and Stephen leading a range of innovative, high impact initiatives which provide young people in Lesotho with opportunities to transform their lives and contribute to the development of their communities.

On learning of their awards, Peter and Stephen Fleming said:

"It has been a privilege to dedicate ourselves to building and running an organisation using sport to transform lives in Lesotho. We are thrilled to receive this award and we would like to thank the many people who have made vital contributions towards the success and social impact of Kick4Life."

View the full King’s Birthday Honours 2024: Overseas and International List.
