Customer Surveys

How we contact customers when carrying out surveys, information we’ll never ask for and details of current surveys

We carry out customer surveys. This is so we can continue to improve the service we provide to our customers. Where we decide to do this by telephone, we will always contact the customer in writing first to invite them to participate.

If you receive a call about a customer survey being carried out by the Adjudicator’s Office and we have not given you advanced notice, this may not be genuine.

We will only ask for information about the service you received, and will not ask for any personal data, such as date of birth or National Insurance number.

During December 2023 and January 2024, we will be writing to some of our customers asking them to participate in a survey.

If you have received a letter, you do not need to do anything. We will contact you by phone within the dates specified in the letter. It will also explain what you need to do if you want to withdraw from the survey.

The survey should take no longer than 15 minutes.

The Adjudicator’s Office
