AI and Public Standards: 2023 public bodies survey

Chair, Lord Evans, has written to government departments and public bodies, asking them for an update on they are adapting their governance processes for AI




Letter from Lord Evans to government departments and public bodies asking for an update on how they are adapting their governance processes for AI.



The Committee’s 2020 AI report made recommendations to public organisations making decisions about AI, including private providers of public services, to help them establish effective governance arrangements to manage the ethical risks associated with AI.

Three years on, it is clear that AI developments have moved on at some pace. As such, we are following up the recommendations made in that report with the intention of publishing a formal update on progress later in the year.

The Chair has, therefore, written to government departments and agencies, and public bodies, including the NHS, local authorities, and the police, asking them whether they are currently using AI in decision-making, and if so, how they are adapting their governance processes for AI in line with the recommendations in our report.

Committee on Standards in Public Life
