Independent Members appointed to the House of Lords Appointments Commission

Rt Hon Sir Hugh Robertson and Wayne Reynolds have been announced as new Independent Members to the House of Lords Appointments Commission

Two new members of the House of Lords Appointments Commission (HOLAC) have been appointed.

Rt Hon Sir Hugh Robertson is Chair of Birmingham International Airport and Chair of the British Olympic Association. A former soldier, who subsequently worked at Schroders, he was a government minister from 2010 - 2015. He has just completed two full terms as Chair of the Sports Honours Committee and is a member of the Gentlemen at Arms in The Royal Household.

Wayne Reynolds is the founder and managing director of Birchwood Knight, an executive search company specialising in corporate affairs leadership roles.  He helps a wide range of organisations across the public and private sectors to run fair and thorough recruitment processes which promote diversity, equity and inclusion.  

These appointments follow open competition for the role. Both members will commence their new roles on 21 December 2023.

Cabinet Office
